History of The Mukuvisi Woodlands 1910 – 2010

Cathy Buckle, a previous estate manager at the Mukuvisi woodlands, and a well-respected writer has compiled a fascinating mix of fact, anecdote and environmental information for our delight.

The complex history of this unique area and the rich biodiversity of the Mukuvisi woodlands have been blended to produce an entertaining reference to one of Harare’s major assets.

There are numerous nuggets of information and memories and memories which will make all readers appreciate the biodiversity that lies within this small but important nature reserve.

It provide tribute to those with the foresight to recognize the need to preserve this unique area from urban spread and establish an environment Centre, which now not only serves the residents Harare, but increasingly has become a necessary reference site for communities and schools around Zimbabwe.

After reading Cathy Buckle account, even those who know the woodlands well will want to visit it again to experience Harare’s delightful “touch of the wild in the heart of the city”.

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